Valentines is just the perfect occasion for showing your true love in a different form with a gift tied to a card or a surprise & a planned outing. It’s simply a chance for you to take the next step in your relationship, just if you made good use of it. Everything counts!
How will you spend Valentine day date with your loved one? What will you gift them?
What will you say/write to them on that day whether on a card or face to face?
- Manage to make it spontaneous & from the heart
- Call them out with their favorite nickname that melts their heart.
- In your own words, tell them how grateful you are that you have them in your life.
- IF you know how to flirt with writing do it, if you don’t then keep it short & simple.
Here's the best meaningful type of content to write on your card!
- Share a memory
- A goal in the future
- Something you wish for them
- A vision for you together in the future
- How his entrance in your life had altered it to the better
- Write a part of his fav song or your fav song together
- Write his favorite or your favorite love quote
- Write his or your fav quote from a movie or series
- Remind him of the first day you guys met
- Promise them something or wish them something.
- A short poem would be the sweetest ever
- Apologize if needed
A side note: If you’re going to promise them something, be honest & sincere in your words, realistic & loyal.
A promise is a promise, you don’t want your sweet words to be held against, so better do as you say.
Let’s get you through some general sweet promises you can write down on your card.
I promise to be there for you in good & hard times
I promise to try to understand you every time we disagree
I promise to protect you even from your ownself
I promise to protect your own emotions as if they’re mine
I promise to remind you of the good days when you drown in bad ones
I promise to never leave you & keep my promises from small to big ones
What if you just fought and it’s valentine?
It’s hard to spend a day like this being upset with each other or even fighting.
Make use of the day, make it as an excuse to drop the fight, or drop the issue.
If you feel like it, call him .. smoothen things between you both, even if you’re right about the problem you guys are fighting about, don’t apologize but try to delay the fight as hilarious as it seems.
If you don’t feel like it then a gift with a card and you will have the capacity to write whatever you feel like.
First, if you decide to apologize then do it, then remind him of your good days together, write him an inside joke you both can only understand, remind him of a situation that makes him giggle.
If you can’t remember any..
Then, you can always write him a message of peace:
Something like
“I want to apologize for arguing last night when you were trying to explain what happened. I should've heard you out.” or “I want you to know first, that I love you and second, that I'm sorry, and I hate it when we fight.”
What sincere & sentimental phrases you could embed.
Valentine's Day messages are sensitive. You would prefer not to go over the edge and freak someone you started dating — yet if you've been with somebody for quite a while who truly matters to you, you would prefer not to work out a card that may appear to be dull. You should try to make it as sentimental as possible and not messy with an ideal little statement or expression in a customized Valentine's Day card.
- Happy Valentine’s Day — you’re my happily-ever-after, my forever love, and the hero of my heart. I love you.
- You’re sweet, strong, smart, and sexy. I’m so glad you’re mine!
- I’m still wearing the smile you gave me last night.
- I may not be your first date, first kiss, or first love, but I just want to be your last everything.
- You’re everything I always wished for, better than I dreamed of, all I’ll ever need.
- You made me believe in love again
- I’m glad you’re the reason why I wake up in the morning
- “I love you every day not just on valentine’s day”
Here’re some suggestions of how to end your letter on the card or you might actually want to just write these phrases on your card, would be just fine!
- Happy valentine’s day love
- Always & forever be my valentine
- Happy first valentine together
- I’m blessed to have you in my life
- Forever & evermore, loving you endlessly
- I never knew the love I have for you was this huge!
- I’m having you next to me every other valentine for the rest of my life
- Tonight is all ours, I’m so excited to spend it with you
- Why do I feel like we’ve always been together & for a very long time? Maybe in a parallel universe or something...
- I’m so grateful I found you, you’re what’s been missing all my life.
- If only I could go back and spend with you all the years that I lived without you...
- You’re all I could ask for, happy valentines
- My heart, my stubborn mind & my lost soul, are all in love with you.
- You know when to be my brother, my best friend, my father & the love of my life... What else could I ask for?
Here’re some quotes you might want to add to your card
- Life gives us many things to be thankful for, I give thanks to God for you, A blessing in my life you are”
- “Love is our true destiny, we don’t find the meaning of life by ourselves alone - we find it with another.” - Thomas Marton
- “If you live to be a hundred. I want to live to be a hundred minus one day so I never have to live without you.” - A.A.Milne
- “Love is just a word until someone comes along and gives it meaning.” - Paulo Coelho
- “I love you before i even knew what love meant” - bridgett devoue
- “In case you ever foolishly forget: I am never not thinking of you.” - Virginia Woolf
- “You don’t love someone because they’re perfect, you love them in spite of the fact that they’re not.” - Jodi Picoult
- “You know, when it works, love is pretty amazing. It’s not overrated. There’s a reason for all those songs.” - Sarah Dessen
- “I wish I knew how to quit you.” - BrokeBack Mountain
- “I’ve never had a moment’s doubt. I love you. I believe in you completely. You are my dearest one. My reason for life.” - Atonement
- “You are my heart, my life, my one and only thought.” - Arthur Conan Doyle
- “Every atom of your flesh is as dear to me as my own: in pain and sickness it would still be dear.” - Charlotte Brontë
You can always pick up from where the quote left, for example, if we took one of these quotes “I love you before I even knew what love meant”, you can add on .. (You gave me chills, you introduced me to a series of emotions I never knew I had, you gave my life meaning & made me understand what love is!, I’ll forever cherish the feelings I have for you & I'm utterly grateful you’re my valentine, Hope you love your gift !)
To conclude, there’s always something you want to say to your loved one, we tried as much as we can to help you with the words but it’s even better if you wrote it right from the heart & without thinking and planning too much.
Be vulnerable, be sincere, be realistic in what you’re saying, even with weak vocab, you do you!
They love you, they’ll get it .. even with a blank card ;)